Since our inception in 2007, our brand has made significant strides in pioneering sustainable products and services for our clients and friends around the world. At GoNitroTire NitroFleet99 we are committed to this mission. Go Nitro Tires is a memeber of the EPA Environmental Protection Agency, DOE Department of Energy and Clean Cities Association. Reducing carbon emissions and saving the environment. Stop pollution, drive cars with nitrogen filled tires.

Nitrogen Tire Inflation FAQ

To better inform you about the Benefits of UltraFill 99+ high-purity Nitrogen Tire Inflation, we've provided answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nitrogen?
Nitrogen is a gas that makes up about 76% of the air we breathe It is a dry. inert, colorless and odorless gas. It is non-flammable and non-corrosive.
Learn more about why nitrogen is better than other gases for tire inflation.

What are the expected benefits of Nitrogen-filled tires?
Inflating tires with high-purity Nitrogen can help maintain proper tire pressure longer than inflating with conventional air. Air contains about 23% oxygen, and oxygen permeates through the tire 3-4 times taster than Nitrogen.

Driving on properly inflated tires can provide the following benefits:

  • Increased Safety and Performance - Maintaining optimal tire pressure helps maximize steering and braking control, and also helps reduce the possibility of blowouts. Source technology and maintenance council of American trucking association Tire Air Pressure Study May 2002.
  • Lower Fuel Consumption - Driving on properly inflated tires reduces rolling resistance, helping to maximize fuel efficiency.
  • Extended Tire Life - Properly inflated tires won't wear as fast on the shoulders from under-inflation or in the center due to over inflation The use of high-purity Nitrogen can also help reduce the aging process inside the tire caused by oxygen in air-filled tires. The higher the Nitrogen purity, the lower the amount to oxygen in the tire.
  • Convenience - With high-purity Nitrogen tire inflation, your customers won't need to refill their tires as frequently because they'll slay property inflated longer.
For more benefits, check out the specific nitrogen tire inflation benefits for managed fleets.

Is filling tires with Nitrogen dangerous?
No. It is actually extremely safe. Nitrogen is an inert, dry, non-flammable gas. It does not support combustion, so it will not bum. In fact Nitrogen's safety is one of the reasons it is used to fill tires on vehicles that perform in extreme conditions such as race cars, military vehicles and commercial and military air planes.
In fact, nitrogen tire inflation improves safety. Learn how nitrogen tires make your managed fleet safer.

Is filling tires with Nitrogen harmful to the environment?
No. Nitrogen is a natural, inert gas that makes up 78% of the air we breathe. Using Nitrogen to filled tires supports a better environment by saving fuel and reducing the number of tires to be disposed of in land fills annually.
Nitrogen tire inflation is better for the environment than using regular air because it extends tire life and improves fuel efficiency. Learn more about going green with nitrogen tire inflation.

How does the UltraFill 99+ high-purity Nitrogen tire inflation system work?
UltraFill99+ Nitrogen systems are patented technology that separates high purity Nitrogen - 99.5% from compressed air and stores the Nitrogen in its versatile, self-contained 150 gallon tank for on demand high surge Nitrogen delivery. The high performance leader in Nitrogen systems.
Here's a diagram and additional explanation as to how our nitrogen tire system works.

Why is an UltraFill 99+ tire inflation system better than the competition?
UltraFill99+ systems offer the highest capacity continuous surge Nitrogen delivery available today. Membrane Nitrogen systems by contrast filter compressed air, with the membranes needing replacement when contaminated in a shop environment and do not have the continuous surge delivery for on demand Nitrogen in a busy shop. UltraFill99+ can be fully integrated thru the service bays tire changers and pneumatic tools. Membrane Nitrogen systems do not have this functional capacity. Ultrafill99+ systems create a "green" shop environment, saving time for technicians and extending the life of the pneumatic tools.

What percentage of Nitrogen will be in my tires?
Because some air usually remains inside the tire, the Nitrogen purity inside the tire is a little lower than the purity level supplied. With an UltraFill 99+ system, you can normally get more than 95% purity in the tire with no extra time or cost required. According to Ford Motor Company, (In order to get the full benefits of Nitrogen inflation, a minimum of 95% purity is needed inside the tire.) "Passenger tires inflated with Nitrogen age slower," John M. Baldwin, David R. Bauer, Kevin R. Ellwood, Ford Motor Co September 20, 2004 article in

Who uses Nitrogen to fill tires today?

  • Race Cars:All racing cars and motorcycles use Nitrogen to more accurately monitor tire pressure and to eliminate the explosive properties of oxygen.
  • Commercial Airlines/U.S. Military Aircraft:The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires Nitrogen in aircraft tires because it reduces the potential for water vapor freezing at high altitudes and decreases the potential for explosions.
  • Fleets and Passenger Cars: Nitrogen tire filling is quickly becoming accepted around the world for passenger cars and truck fleets.
Besides the major industries that use nitrogen tire inflation, many tire companies also support the practice.

Do you still need to check the pressure on Nitrogen-filled tires regularly or refill them?
While Nitrogen will help maintain proper tire pressure longer and will remain more constant over temperature changes than typical compressed air, you still need to check your tire pressure on a regular basis as recommended by the manufacturer. Although the need to refill the tires should be less frequent, you should still refill your tires when they go below the level recommended by the tire manufacturer.
We repeat: nitrogen DOES NOT eliminate the need to check tire pressure regularly. This is a myth.

Can air and Nitrogen be mixed together?
Yes. You can mix Nitrogen and air in a tire. If you don't know a car's tires are filled with Nitrogen and top them off with air, it is not a problem. By topping off a Nitrogen-filled tire with air, you're just decreasing the effectiveness of the Nitrogen in the tires.
You only decrease the effectiveness by topping off your nitrogen tires with regular air. You don't negate the benefits completely and it is not unsafet to top off with regular air.

Can tires originally filled with air be refilled with Nitrogen?
Yes. Air-filled tires can be refilled with Nitrogen to get the benefits of Nitrogen inflation.
Filling your tires with regular air isn't free anymore, so if you have to spend money, you're better off spending it on nitrogen tire inflation so that you get an improvement in fuel efficiency and proper tire pressure.

Can you get the benefits of Nitrogen in any grade of tire?
Yes. All tires will maintain their recommended level of pressure longer when filled with Nitrogen. Will any special equipment be needed on a vehicle in order to switch to Nitrogen tire inflation? No. UltraFill 99+ high-purity Nitrogen tire inflation systems were designed to fill standard automobile tires. No changes will need to be made to the vehicle.

Will running a couple of tires on Nitrogen and the others on air harm the tires or the vehicle?
No. As long as all tires maintain the proper level of pressure, there should be no problems.

Can Nitrogen be used on motorcycle or bicycle tires?
Yes. All inflatable tires that are subject to permeation of air and loss of pressure, will benefit from Nitrogen inflation.
Here's more information about nitrogen tire inflation for bicycles.

Will Nitrogen affect the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) on a vehicle?
Nitrogen can actually enhance the reliability of a TPMS system by minimizing moisture and oxygen in the tire.

Can Nitrogen be used in a spare tire?
Yes. It's actually recommended because it's more likely that the spare will be properly inflated at the time it is needed.

Can I use Nitrogen to Fill tires that contain tire-balancing products inside?
Yes. It's generally better to fill Nitrogen-inflated tires rather than air-filled tires with balancing powder, beads, or fluids because of the added level of safety an inert gas like Nitrogen provides to the inner tire environment. However, you must check with the specific fill product supplier before using Nitrogen.