
Envision a wedding that marries elegance with eco-consciousness, where every detail reflects a commitment to beauty and sustainability. Crafting a wedding that’s both breathtaking and beneficial to the planet is not only possible, it’s a profound way to start your journey together. This guide is your ally in navigating the choices that lead to a celebration marked by style and stewardship. Embrace innovative approaches to traditional wedding elements, from rings that tell a story of ethical beauty to receptions that redefine luxury as something that truly lasts.

Online Wedding Invitations

Say goodbye to paper waste by embracing convenience with digital invitations. Utilize free customizable online templates to create captivating digital invites that establish the ambiance for your eco-chic event. You can try this to seamlessly integrate sustainability into every aspect of your wedding planning. Set the stage for an environmentally conscious celebration with invitations that reflect your commitment to the planet.

Choosing Sustainable Rings

Embark on your shared life’s adventure with symbols that resonate with your values. Seek out rings crafted from recycled materials or gems that were created with respect for the environment. These tokens of your love can shine as examples of your commitment to not only each other but also to the principles of sustainability and ethical responsibility. They are beautiful, lasting, and profoundly meaningful.

Decorating with Nature’s Palette

Before investing in decor, explore what your chosen venue can offer in terms of natural or sustainable decoration options. Many venues are now aligned with green principles, offering beautiful, eco-friendly decor alternatives that can reduce both waste and expense. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic of your celebration but also aligns with a deeper commitment to preserving the beauty of the natural world.

Catering with a Conscience

Delight your guests with culinary offerings that are as kind to the planet as they are to the palate. Opt for catering services that prioritize locally sourced, organic ingredients, and plan menus with an eye toward reducing waste. This not only supports local agriculture but also ensures that your celebration is a testament to the possibilities of sustainable indulgence.

A New Take on Floral Decorations

Consider the lasting beauty of house plants over traditional cut flowers for your decorations. This choice adds a vibrant touch of life to your venue and offers a living reminder of your special day that grows along with your relationship. House plants can later adorn your home, serving as a daily reminder of your commitment to each other and the environment. Consult online resources to learn more about easy-to-maintain house plants.

Crafting a Zero-Waste Celebration

Imagine a reception where elegance meets eco-consciousness, where every element, from tableware to decor, is chosen with sustainability in mind. Encourage a culture of mindfulness among your guests by opting for reusable or compostable items and organizing a plan to ensure that nothing goes to waste. This approach to your reception not only minimizes environmental impact but also sets a memorable precedent for thoughtful celebration.

Lighting with Eco-friendly Candles

Enhance the ambiance of your celebration with the soft glow of soy or beeswax candles. These eco-friendly lighting options not only provide a beautiful, natural light but also support sustainable practices and reduce the release of harmful toxins. It’s a way to set the mood for your celebration while staying true to your commitment to the planet.

Your wedding is a profound expression of your love, and by choosing to celebrate it in a way that honors the earth, you make a powerful statement about the values you share as a couple. By using online invitations, offering eco-friendly catering, and more, you ensure a wedding that’s not just a celebration for a day but a testament to a lifetime of love and respect for the planet. Let your wedding be a beacon of hope and beauty, a celebration that stands as a testament to the possibility of a more sustainable, more thoughtful world. Here’s to a future where every celebration is an act of love—love for each other and for the earth we all share.

Enhance your vehicle’s performance and contribute to a greener planet by filling your tires with nitrogen at GoNitroTire.

Eco-Elegance: Plan and Achieve a Stylish Eco-Friendly Wedding Celebration

Envision a wedding that marries elegance with eco-consciousness, where every detail reflects a commitment to beauty and sustainability. Crafting a wedding that’s both breathtaking and beneficial to the planet is not only possible, it’s a profound way to start your journey together. This guide is your ally in navigating the choices that lead to a celebration marked by style and stewardship. Embrace innovative approaches to traditional wedding elements, from rings that tell a story of ethical beauty to receptions that redefine luxury as something that truly lasts.

Online Wedding Invitations

Say goodbye to paper waste by embracing convenience with digital invitations. Utilize free customizable online templates to create captivating digital invites that establish the ambiance for your eco-chic event. You can try this to seamlessly integrate sustainability into every aspect of your wedding planning. Set the stage for an environmentally conscious celebration with invitations that reflect your commitment to the planet.

Choosing Sustainable Rings

Embark on your shared life’s adventure with symbols that resonate with your values. Seek out rings crafted from recycled materials or gems that were created with respect for the environment. These tokens of your love can shine as examples of your commitment to not only each other but also to the principles of sustainability and ethical responsibility. They are beautiful, lasting, and profoundly meaningful.

Decorating with Nature’s Palette

Before investing in decor, explore what your chosen venue can offer in terms of natural or sustainable decoration options. Many venues are now aligned with green principles, offering beautiful, eco-friendly decor alternatives that can reduce both waste and expense. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic of your celebration but also aligns with a deeper commitment to preserving the beauty of the natural world.

Catering with a Conscience

Delight your guests with culinary offerings that are as kind to the planet as they are to the palate. Opt for catering services that prioritize locally sourced, organic ingredients, and plan menus with an eye toward reducing waste. This not only supports local agriculture but also ensures that your celebration is a testament to the possibilities of sustainable indulgence.

A New Take on Floral Decorations

Consider the lasting beauty of house plants over traditional cut flowers for your decorations. This choice adds a vibrant touch of life to your venue and offers a living reminder of your special day that grows along with your relationship. House plants can later adorn your home, serving as a daily reminder of your commitment to each other and the environment. Consult online resources to learn more about easy-to-maintain house plants.

Crafting a Zero-Waste Celebration

Imagine a reception where elegance meets eco-consciousness, where every element, from tableware to decor, is chosen with sustainability in mind. Encourage a culture of mindfulness among your guests by opting for reusable or compostable items and organizing a plan to ensure that nothing goes to waste. This approach to your reception not only minimizes environmental impact but also sets a memorable precedent for thoughtful celebration.

Lighting with Eco-friendly Candles

Enhance the ambiance of your celebration with the soft glow of soy or beeswax candles. These eco-friendly lighting options not only provide a beautiful, natural light but also support sustainable practices and reduce the release of harmful toxins. It’s a way to set the mood for your celebration while staying true to your commitment to the planet.

Your wedding is a profound expression of your love, and by choosing to celebrate it in a way that honors the earth, you make a powerful statement about the values you share as a couple. By using online invitations, offering eco-friendly catering, and more, you ensure a wedding that’s not just a celebration for a day but a testament to a lifetime of love and respect for the planet. Let your wedding be a beacon of hope and beauty, a celebration that stands as a testament to the possibility of a more sustainable, more thoughtful world. Here’s to a future where every celebration is an act of love—love for each other and for the earth we all share.

Enhance your vehicle’s performance and contribute to a greener planet by filling your tires with nitrogen at GoNitroTire.

For decades, the automotive industry, both on an average driver and commercial level, has been searching for more efficient products. Tires have been a main concern for fleet managers and transportation directors as these products directly affect the performance of their corporate vehicles. Some average drivers are also interested in finding longer-lasting tires that are still affordable. Despite its absence from mainstream marketing, Nitrogen, one of the Earth’s most abundant elements, resolves these issues. Ken Lawton, CEO and Founder of GoNitroTire and NitroFleet99, two affiliated companies offering innovative tire solutions, offers his thoughts.

Nitrogen Tire Inflation FactsTo the surprise of many consumers and commercial operators in the automotive sector, nitrogen is a viable way to create ‘Hybrid Tires’. Nitrogen has been utilised by the airline industry and professional driving associations for several decades. However, it has yet to be adopted by the majority of society. Why is that? Despite being the best tire inflation medium, misinformation about nitrogen has been spread by tire salesmen and other individuals in the automotive industry. As a result, few people are confident enough to consider switching to this green alternative.

Nitrogen tires or hybrid tires offer several distinct benefits. Nitrogen permeates the tire slower than oxygen, ensuring that tire pressure is retained for longer. This can decrease the deterioration of rubber, reduce the frequency of tire pressure checks, and possibly improve fuel usage. Since Nitrogen improves tire pressure retention, it can also prevent blowouts and other types of damage. This is a critical benefit for private and commercial vehicles because no one wants to experience heightened maintenance costs.

Hybrid tires are particularly valuable for commercial fleets as they remain strong despite more intense wear, extreme weather conditions, or high speeds. Nitrogen is a more stable element compared to oxygen, which is why there are no consequences for topping nitrogen-filled tires with regular air. This is a great benefit for all individuals considering switching to nitrogen because they may not be able to transition all four tires to the element immediately.

Lawton explains some of the unique benefits of hybrid tires for private and commercial users as well as society. “Nitrogen is a unique element because it’s easy to obtain and it isn’t sold at a high price point,” he says. “When I speak to consumers about my company’s products or commercial fleet owners about our services, I continuously reference how Nitrogen can improve the tread-wear rate, reduce the number of tires purchased in a vehicle’s lifetime, and also have great societal benefits. Nitrogen is a more sustainable alternative to oxygen, meaning that widespread use could reduce transportation’s carbon footprint. This is very important because climate change is a major issue the world is racing to address. If Hybrid Tires become standard in the US, it can reduce fuel consumption, which would lessen America’s dependence on foreign oil.”

In the competitive landscape of tire manufacturing and supply chain solutions, GoNitroTire and NitroFleet99 have emerged with comprehensive solutions. GoNitroTire mainly serves consumers with high-quality products like Nitrogen-filled tires while NitroFleet99 caters to commercial fleets. NitroFleet99 offers a proprietary mobile tire inflation system. These solutions are one-of-a-kind to the industry, and provide the market with unmatched innovation.

Both companies were founded in 2008 as tire distributors and manufacturers of tire products for the automotive aftermarket. Throughout the years, GoNitroTire and NitroFleet99 have evolved with the market’s demands, building global relationships with governments and investors in various EU countries. They are always looking to produce more innovative products, which is why the companies are entering the Middle East market. Ken notes that this region is developing rapidly, producing a large need for the company’s hybrid solutions.

“The Middle East offers great opportunities for Nitrogen to become more widespread,” Lawton shares. “I believe that the climate, attitude toward futuristic projects, and an emphasis on car culture make the area a promising place to expand to. Our company is looking at the entire Middle East, but we are also specifically interested in seeking investors and possible buyers of the company and its library of intellectual property in the United Arab Emirates. Our advisory work along with our innovative carbon reduction technology through the use of Nitrogen in tires is an attractive proposition for major corporations in this area. This expansion will enable our company to transform the driving experience for commercial and private automotive users.”

Sustainable solutions like hybrid tires are poised to grow in demand within the coming years. Consumers and companies are working to reduce their carbon footprint, and nitrogen accommodates this transition for them. It also provides additional benefits that can improve a business’s bottom line and save consumers money at the shop and the pumps. As this transition into the ‘new energy economy’ continues, NitroFleet99 and GoNitroTire will remain a pioneer in the space.

A new material design could reduce pollution where the rubber meets the road. Strategically adding weak points to microscopic chains called polymers actually makes the chains harder to tear, scientists report in the June 23 Science. Because polymers are used in car tires, the findings could help reduce plastic pollution as tires wear down over time.

As tires scrape against the road, they drop tiny particles of rubber and plastic polymers that can pollute waterways and contaminate the air. Globally, tires shed about 6 million metric tons of this debris into the environment each year. Stronger polymers that break apart less easily could limit the pollution.

Chemist Stephen Craig of Duke University and colleagues made their tough material by adding easily breakable molecules called cross-linkers to the polymers. The polymers act like a tangle of spaghetti noodles with the cross-linkers holding them all together, helping them retain their shape. Individual cross-linkers broke easily when the team stretched the polymer strands, but ripping the bulk material required more force than expected. The secret to the increased toughness lies in the path the tear takes. The tear propagates through the cross-linkers, following the path of least resistance. But making it through the long polymer strands means breaking many cross-linkers, which requires more force overall. Craig hopes the findings will help extend the lifetimes of car tires.

– Skyler Ware

Watch a video of tear-resistant rubber in action at

Nowadays, soy is grown on a large scale around the globe. Since gaining popularity, soy has become one of the world’s most lucrative agricultural sectors. It’s extremely popular with vegans and health-conscious individuals, and as a result, its cultivation has increased.

As demand soars, soybean sustainability is an increasing priority for soy growers. As custodians of the land, farmers are adopting sustainable soy farming techniques such as reduced till, crop rotation, water and fertilizer management, cover crops, and precision farming technologies. These methods assist farmers in increasing their efficiency, crop production, and soy sustainability.

Implementing soy sustainability is one approach to making the world better and environmentally friendly. In this article, we look at seven reasons soy is environmentally friendly.

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1. Nitrogen Fixation

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a characteristic shared by all legumes. It is the mechanism through which certain plants transform atmospheric nitrogen gas into nitrogen that the plant can use to thrive.

Soybeans are nitrogen-fixing plants. Most synthetic fertilizers used in crop cultivation include nitrogen, which promotes healthy growth and large harvests. Sustainable soysourced online from the U.S. Soy decreases the need for artificial fertilizers, which are frequently produced using fossil fuels and have significant adverse environmental effects such as water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, soy nitrogen fixation properties favorably impact both the economic and environmental aspects of production. It improves soil structure and fertility and boosts crop rotation output.

2. Soil Erosion

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Soil erosion is a continuous process that happens when wind or water detaches and moves soil particles, resulting in soil degradation.

Soybeans form a denser and larger crop canopy cover, which helps to reduce soil sedimentation and erosion. The canopy’s ability to reduce the impact of pouring rainfall helps prevent soil detachment. Moreover, soy residue can create miniature dams that slow runoff and generate water pools that absorb rainfall energy, lowering soil particle detachment and transport.

Lastly, soy is an efficient cover crop when sown at the correct time. Cover crops are produced to protect soil integrity and avoid runoff from irrigation. Because arable soil is a limited resource, it is critical to prevent losing it to erosion and to maintain it as much as possible for as long as necessary.

3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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Farmers play an important role in lowering our carbon footprint by improving efficiency and soil management methods. According to studies, a reduction in soybean tillage, or soil disturbance, is a major factor for this improvement.

Tillage oxygenates the soil, accelerating the conversion of the soil carbon compound to CO2. And Without any plants growing, this carbon dioxide is discharged into the air. Reduced tillage helps the earth better balance its carbon release with its growing crops.

By employing these better farming techniques, the soy sector utilizes less gas-powered agricultural machinery, makes more economical use of every acre of cultivated land, and minimizes its CO2 emissions.

4. Biodegradability

We reside in a world of disposable plastic items, from cups to plastic utensils, containers, and bags. Yet, almost all disposable plastic products pose a serious environmental hazard since they do not biodegrade.

To combat this problem, the use of soy-based plastics is one of the solutions. Soy’s availability, abundance, thermoplastic properties, and biodegradability have all made it highly desirable for widespread use in the plastics industry.

Soy-based plastics are a practical and exciting ecologically friendly material for one-time or short-term plastic items, such as food containers, instead of the currently used nonbiodegradable plastics.

5. Biofuel

Businesses, governments, and organizations constantly advocate using biodiesels, such as soybean oil, as a replacement or blend for conventional petroleum-based diesel oil in automobiles, planes, and equipment. This is because biodiesel is a more environmentally friendly alternative to fuels obtained from fossil fuels.

Compared to fossil fuels, biodiesel generates lower emissions of particles, sulfur dioxide, and air toxins when burnt. Even biofuel-petroleum mixtures produce fewer emissions than fossil fuels alone.

As the need for fuel rises, so does the demand for soy or other plant-based biofuels, allowing farmers to lead biofuel innovation and contribute to providing green choices for consumers nationwide.

6. Water Usage

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Water is becoming an increasingly important resource as the world becomes hotter and more water evaporates. How we use our water as a community and as individuals is an important aspect of conservation efforts. Thus, it is logical that our agricultural methods should prioritize sustainability regarding water utilization.

Sustainable soy production efficiently uses water depending on the soil and weather. Producing a ton of soybeans requires between 1,300 and 2,300 tons of water. This is about the same as sunflower and less than rapeseed plants which are some of the most efficient water users.

7. Land Usage

Land is a resource with limited availability. Therefore, the more it is needed, the higher the deforestation. How well the land is treated in terms of maintaining the nutrients and health in the soil and the sorts of pesticides used are all important for agricultural utility and efficiency.

Soy crops provide more usable kilograms of plant-based protein per hectare of farmland than rice and other legumes. In other words, cultivating soy requires less land to generate more proteins than cultivating other plant-based alternatives for the plant-based protein drink and powder sectors. Furthermore, soy produces far more protein per acre than dairy cows.

Wrapping Up

A growing population, climate changes, and heightened consumer awareness create new challenges and a larger need for sustainable food and energy. Environmentally sustainable consumer products like soy pave the path to substantial sustainability progress.

TireXtender     UltraTireXtender

NASHVILLE, TN August 31st 2022 – Nashville based GoNitroTire, pioneers in providing Nitrogen Tire Inflation Products and Services in North America. The company is now manufacturing new & improved Nitorgen Aerosol top-off products.

With tire distributors and automotive dealerships throughout North America using Nitrogen for their ustomers, TireXtender and UltraTireXtender provide reasonably priced and convenient aerosol top-off products for automotive and cycling enthusiasts.

“These terrific products are a natural progression of GoNitroTire’s core mission of providing sustainable roducts that improve tire performance and safety”, said Kenneth Lawton, C.E.O. & Founder of GoNitroTire.

COSTCO, is one example in the network of Nitrogen tire services throughout all of their North American locations. “Nitrogen tire inflation provides consistent tire pressure, a longer safer ride, with better gas mileage; while extednding the wear of the tire” FORD MOTOR STUDY 2006 “Benefits of Nitrogen Tire Inflation.”

With so many sectors of large industry using Nitrogen as their default choice for tire inflation – including all airlines, NASCAR since 1991, law enforcement and municipal fleets in many municipalities across the U.S. and the mining industry. GoNitroTire’s Mission has been to provide innovative tire solutions to onsumers and commercial fleets to improve safety and provide sustainable technology to better tire wear. All of which provide sound environmental results by reducing landfill and improving Carbon reduction…

Green Facts:

OVER 300 MILLION TIRES are disposed of annually, in land fills and bodies of water in the United States alone. The use of Nitrogen in tires can reduce this by up to 30%

AIR – LEAKS THROUGH A TIRE WALL 3 to 4 times faster then Nitrogen inflated tires. Causing poor gas mileage and increased carbon emmissions. Rubber Manufacturers Association

U.S. CONSUMERS use over 400 million gallons of fuel per day. Nitrogen Tires reduces fuel consumption


Related Links

Consult these websites for more information on Nitrogen benefits in tires:




Mission to improve the efficiency of America’s resources



Carbon Reduction

On March 5, 2022, in Benefits of Nitrogen, by admin

Would you like to know how you can do more to help carbon reduction? Here are a few simple suggestions.

  • Switch to LED bulbs
  • Install a more efficient showerhead
  • Purchase an electric vehicle
  • Hold a clothes swap
  • Buy things that last
  • Encourage your team to communiet without a car
  • Buy consciously
  • Video conference more
  • Share car tips
  • Start a veggie garden

All of these things can allow anyone to help out the environment.

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Fact: Nitrogen permeates slower and so retains tire pressure longer than oxygen.

Vehicle breakdowns are never fun, especially during a winter storm. For businesses, fleet breakdowns can mean unhappy customers, late deliveries, and lost revenue. This can be detrimental for businesses that rely on vehicle fleets for service, such as HVAC or delivery services. You can help protect your fleet this winter by filling your tires with nitrogen.

The Science Behind Putting Nitrogen in Tires

Car tires are typically filled up with compressed air. Air is about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, with additional small amounts of other gases. Nitrogen leaks out of tires slower than air because the molecules are larger, making it harder for them to escape. Nitrogen is also more stable in flocculating temperatures. It doesn’t shrink and swell like oxygen does because of its water content. This is especially important in colder climates, like New England.

1. Better Pressure Retention

One main benefit of filling your tires with nitrogen is less tire leakage, which results in tires preserving a high air pressure for longer, leading to less maintenance and longer tire life. Like compressed air, nitrogen can withstand cold temperatures, making it a viable option for driving in the winter.

2. Greater Fuel Efficiency 

Since nitrogen takes six times longer than oxygen to leak out of tires, nitrogen-filled tires stay full for significantly longer. Driving on full tires leads to better gas mileage and decreases tire damage.

3. Improved Handling 

Driving on ice or slippery roads in the winter can be dangerous. It’s important for drivers to be as safe as possible, which includes keeping their tire pressure full. This makes for a more controlled driving experience and decreases the chance of a flat tires, especially in the wintertime.

4. Prevent Rims from Corroding

Like moisture on a window, air compresses and produces condensation inside tires. Excess water can corrode the rims of the tire. This can be hard to detect since the car’s rims corrode from the inside. Additionally, if a gas station doesn’t maintain their air compressors, water can collect inside the hose. Water can enter the tire, which increases the risk of corrosion.

5. Extended Tire Life 

Nitrogen is more stable than air, which results in extended tire pressure and tire life. Since nitrogen is also dryer than air, there is less chance of tire corrosion. Also, nitrogen leaks out of tires at a slower rate, increasing tire longevity. Extending your tire life will save you money and reduce maintenance.

6. Sustainability

The longer a tire’s life, the less often it will need to be replaced; this reduces the amount of new tires manufacturers need to produce, as well as the consumption of raw materials.

FAQs About Nitrogen Tires in the Winter

Q: Is it safe to fill my tires with nitrogen?

A: Yes, filling tires with nitrogen is safe. In fact, nitrogen isn’t flammable, so tires won’t explode in a crash.

Q: Is nitrogen only good to use in the winter?

No, nitrogen tires can be used at any time. Many drivers, including racecar drivers use nitrogen tires year-round.

Q: Do I need special nitrogen tires?

No, you can fill any commercial tire with nitrogen.

Author Bio: Joseph Christmas is the Marketing Coordinator for Commercial Sales at Merchants Auto. He joined the team in March 2021 equipped with many years of experience in both marketing and the automotive industry. Joe’s pure passion and knowledge of cars have been tailored to this industry.


New Englanders have a lot to be proud of, including four seasons that offer breathtaking beauty and recreation. With these changing seasons comes the need to prepare for all types of weather, and your car is no exception.

Whether you have brand new or pre-owned vehicles, sedans or SUVs, work trucks or electric vehicles, proper maintenance is important — no matter the season. Here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Benefits of Proper Tire Maintenance

As AAA explains, tires affect braking, safety, and how your vehicle handles — all of which are crucial. You want to regularly make sure you have the right air pressure and tread depth, as well as proper alignment. Not only will this routine maintenance keep you and your passengers safe, but you’ll also save money on gas! According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can improve your gas mileage up to 3% by keeping your tires properly inflated.

Tire Preparation for Winter

Many New Englanders opt for winter tires (or “snow tires”) in the colder months, but do you actually need them? In most cases, yes. As MotorTrend explains, “once temperatures approach and go past freezing, accompanied by snow and ice, all-season tires lose their capabilities — regardless of whether you have all-wheel drive.” Winter tires have certain rubber compounds and tread designs that allow for better gripping of the road in adverse weather.

Another set of tires might seem like an unnecessary expense but having two sets means your all-season tires will see less mileage per year, ultimately increasing their longevity.

Whether you opt for winter tires or stick to all-season ones, it’s important to make sure there is enough tread and proper air pressure. To check the tread, you can conduct a quick “penny test” by inserting a penny into the tire treads. If you can see Lincoln’s head, your tires are due for a rotation or replacement.

Tire Preparation for Spring

Spring weather in New England is hit or miss. You could see bright sunny skies one day and heavy rain the next, which means proper tire preparation and maintenance is crucial. If you have winter tires, it’s best to swap them out for your all-season ones once the snowy, icy weather is behind you. (Unfortunately for New Englanders, that could mean late spring!)

Check your all-season tires for tire pressure and signs of wear, including cracks. The spring is also a good time for a tire rotation and alignment since potholes and bumps in the road left over from winter can knock things off kilter.

Tire Preparation for Summer

Yes, you do need to prepare for tires for the hot, humid days of summer! Plus, it’s also the perfect time to replace tire pads and check the rotors.

Make sure your tread is even and that you have the correct tire pressure; sometimes, tires overinflate during the summer months due to air expanding in the warm temperatures.

Tire Preparation for Fall

Again, it’s time to check tread and tire pressure! Fall in New England often means warmer days and cooler nights, so there’s a good chance your tire pressure light may go on during the first sign of cold weather.

Additional Maintenance Tips for the Changing Seasons

Tires are certainly important, but here are some other points to keep in mind:

  • Get regular oil changes and have skilled professionals check your breaks and battery
  • Check your fluid levels and wiper blades
  • Ensure your heat and AC work before you need them

It also never hurts to research reputable auto body collision shops so you have one handy in the unfortunate event of an accident. And though it’s not specifically maintenance related, we also recommend contacting your auto insurance company to see if you’re eligible for any new discounts. You can do this at any time – not just when your policy is up for renewal. Many providers offer safety-related and good driving discounts, so it’s always worth a quick phone call or email.

And that’s it! New Englanders have a lot going for them— great restaurants and breweries, easy access to both mountains and the ocean, some pretty great sports teams, and four seasons that offer a lot in terms of recreation and beauty. Make sure you take full advantage of it all by keep your car and tires in top shape, no matter the time of year.


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