nitrogen in tiresNitrogen tire inflation is a still a new concept that’s only now working its way into the mainstream. There’s still a lot that people don’t know, as well as a lot of misinformation floating around about what it is and how it works. We’re here to “clear up the air” with some additional news and resources about nitrogen tire inflation and tire care. If this isn’t enough for you, we have previous news roundups with other articles for you to read.

Is it Worth it to Put Nitrogen in Tires? – – The quick answer is yes, yes, and YES! It’s something we’ve emphasized for a while and here it is coming from another voice!

Guide to Proper Tire Inflation – – We need to thank Janet Reid and her student, James, for this suggestion. It’s a great article about what it takes to have tires at proper tire pressure, how proper tire pressure improves your fuel efficiency, and a few tips on good tire care.

Redesigned 2012 Ford Focus Excels in Fuel Economy, Power, and Comfort – – This is a new car that comes with nitrogen-filled tires. If only all new cars and new models would come this way!

Air Pressure – Correct, Underinflated, and Overinflated – – Proper tire inflation is really what nitrogen tire inflation is all about. With nitrogen, you can maintain your tires at their proper tire pressure for a longer period of time, which improves fuel efficiency and tire life.

Tire Safety Tips – – Nitrogen tire inflation is also about tire safety. With your tires at proper tire pressure, you have less risk for flats and blowouts.